Joyful Noises LLC
Inspiring you to create joy in your life.

A note from Jennifer…
The vision of Joyful Noises LLC is to create courageous communities that encourage cultural humility, lifelong learning, gratitude, and living in the AND* to inspire joy and wholistic wellness.
With over twenty-five years of experience working as a music therapist and licensed educator, I am able to bring both expertise and creative flexibility to create the space for clients, students, and colleagues to explore and meet their personal musical and non-musical goals.
I believe that we thrive within authentically caring and courageous communities, and I strive to create these spaces with students, interns, and colleagues. In my role as a speaker, a mentor, and a supervisor, I focus on a growth mindset centered around communication, sustainable self-care, and honest self-reflection.
I am honored and grateful to be working with you.
Jennifer Hicks, MMT, MT-BC, E-RYT
* Living in the AND embraces complex and nuanced non-dualistic thinking and belief.
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Interview for MPR News Radio & Podcast as part of a Panel on “The Therapeutic Power of Music”
Publications from Music Therapy Perspectives and Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy