MT Mentor Podcast: Trailer
Each month you can join me and my guests to learn more about the topics most relevant to today’s professional and student music therapists. Each episode will feature an interview with a different mentor in the field of music therapy, with some questions that will remain consistent throughout the episodes and some questions that will be focused on each individual’s specific areas of wisdom and expertise.
As you all know, one of my own areas of expertise is self-care. The research both in and outside of the field of music therapy has shown us the importance of “small sips” of self-care in our physiological and self-awareness practices as well as in the ways that we seek out and integrate sources of support and continued learning in our lives. That is where MT Mentor comes in. The play on the letters MT is intentional and stands both for Music Therapy and for the need to fill our empty cups. This will be our brave space for both.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Overview of MT Mentor Podcast
Resources mentioned in this episode: