MT Mentor Podcast: Episode 8
Guest Mentors: Helen Dolas, MS, MT-BC and Ron Borczon, MM, MT-BC
Helen Dolas, BS in Music Therapy, MS in Special Education, Board Certified Music Therapist, practicing since 1980. In 1982 noticed that there was a specific need for creative arts therapy services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and autism in the southern California area where she is the CEO/Founder of Able ARTS Work, a unique nonprofit organization that provides quality creative arts education and therapy driven by a “Love before Learning. Learn for Life” philosophy. In Washington D.C. received the “National Model Program Award”, US Senate from the National Coalition of Creative Art Therapies (2002). Today there are virtual and physical services, conducting research with plans for growth and expansion. A new “Learn for Life” distance-learning platform promoting inclusion, equity and diversity for continued growth and development to reach the needs of the community serving over 3,500 individuals with disabilities annually. Works with many outside agencies, families, professionals, and funding institutions. Serves on state and national advisory boards. One of the largest employers of music and expressive art therapists in the nation. Clinical Training Director, AMTA music therapy internship and fieldwork programs; since 1984. Music therapy faculty since 2005, currently at California State University Northridge. Renowned public/ keynote speaker/presenter. Recipient of the “Betty Isern Howrey Award”, the highest award in the Western Region in 2006 for her visionary leadership to the field of Music Therapy. Served as Parliamentarian, Assembly of Delegates and Standards of Clinical Practice Committee for Western Region and AMTA. Presented with an award at the American Music Therapy Association Conference as the recipient of the esteemed “National Professional Practice Award” in November 2007 given for over 25 years of service, dedication and innovative practice to the Music Therapy Profession. Celebrating nearly 40 years serving clients, families, communities, students, interns and professionals in the music therapy field, is committed to and dedicated to the future of our profession.
Ronald M. Borczon, MM, MT-BC, founded the Music Therapy Department at California State University, Northridge in 1984. After more than 37 years, he remains director of the program. He is also currently establishing a music therapy program at Biola University in La Mirada, California. He is past president of the National Association of Music Therapy, Western Region. His clinical experience in music therapy spanning 42 years and encompassing numerous populations including psychiatric, intellectual and developmental disability, autism, posttraumatic stress syndrome and substance abuse. In 1994, he received the Presidential Award from the President of the National Association for Music Therapy. In 2006 He was awarded the “Award of Merit” from the American Music Therapy Association at the National Conference in Kansas City, Missouri. This award is the one of the highest forms of recognition given by the national office for contributions to the field of music therapy. In 2007 he was awarded the “Outstanding Faculty Award” from California State University, Northridge. He has presented numerous workshops on the effectiveness of music therapy in the wake of a mass disaster. In 1996 he created the CSUN Music Therapy Wellness clinic that serves the Los Angeles community. The clinic currently enjoys five music therapists who work with clients of all ages and disabilities. Ron Borczon has been interviewed many times for periodicals and venues such as LA Times, LA Daily News, Reader’s Digest, KNBC Channel 4 Los Angeles, and the Australian television show “What’s Good for You.” He appears on the Paul McCartney documentary DVD “The Space Within US” and has also been seen as the music therapist for Danny Bonaducci in the VH1 show, “Breaking Bonaducci.” He has been consulted for many projects that appear in television and film. In 1998 his book “Music Therapy, Group Vignettes” was published by Barcelona Publishing. In 2004 his second book “Music Therapy: A Fieldwork Primer” was also published by Barcelona Publishing. He is still active as a clinician working in the Music Therapy Wellness Clinic at CSUN as well as Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation centers in the greater Los Angeles area.
Full Bios: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ffzy1rXpifhHoZf9swQySlCCJqkpfOW6/view?usp=sharing
Topics discussed in this episode:
- The evolution and increased awareness of music therapy,
- The use of rhythm and music therapy with those affected by mass disasters and trauma,
- Lessons learned as a MTBO in the midst of a global pandemic,
- The wisdom of listening and being present and intentional with our words,
- The importance of taking risks, learning new things, and not being afraid to let things go,
- The need to be authentic and tap into all dimensions of ourselves to be whole human beings,
- The difference between giving advice and mentoring,
- The importance of understanding our biases and listening to marginalized groups,
- Reasons to make your college education a priority,
- And much, much more!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Able Arts Work
- AAW Learn for Life
- Ron’s Products
- Books: Stephen King’s “Hearts in Atlantis,” Bruscia’s “Defining Music Therapy,” Barcelona’s “Guidelines” series
- Music: Joni Mitchell, Crosby, Stills, and Nash, Michael Bublé, Frank Sinatra, Andrea Bocelli, James Taylor, David Wilcox, Pierce Pettis, Nancy Wilson, Phil Collins, Simon & Garfunkel, and the Beatles
- MT Mentor Membership Group