Providing presentations, guest lectures, and workshops to organizations, music therapy professionals, and students.

Meet Jennifer…
Jennifer brings over 25 years of experience working as a music therapist and educator to her individualized preparation and presentation style. She captures attention and inspires others to experience and create joy, wholistic wellness, and courageous communities in their lives.
Jennifer is an expert on speaking about:
Stress, burnout, and sustainable self-care
Personal and professional core values, visions, and mission statements
Music therapy methods and approaches
Mindfulness-based music therapy
Sustainability and identity in music therapy
Supervision and mentorship in courageous communities
Reflective and reflexive practices
Imposter syndrome, healthy boundaries, and more!
Jennifer also presents on a variety of other topics and will personalize her workshops to meet the needs of your organization or group!
Interested in having Jennifer speak or lecture for your organization or university?
Past Presentations
Sustainable Self-Care Strategies for the Real World
Running on Empty? Fill Your Cup with "Small [...]
Humanistic, Person-Centered Music Therapy
Humanistic, Person-Centered Music Therapy Guest Lecture for California [...]
Music Therapy Methods in Mental Health
2019 & 2020 Great Lakes Region Music Therapy [...]
GTCYS College Planning Panel
College Planning Panel Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies [...]
Burn Out & Self Care
You Can't Pour From an Empty Cup: Sustainable [...]
Music Therapy Methods in Mental Health (Passages)
Presentation for Passages 2019 Great Lakes Region Music [...]
Receptive & Re-creative Music Therapy Methods with Adults & Older Adults with Mental Health Disorders
Guest Lecture for Augsburg University MUS 340A Music [...]
Grounding Your Growth: Using Yoga for Your Self-Care in College and Beyond
Guest Lecture for Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College April 17, [...]
The Process, Pitfalls, and Perks of Creating a Joint Internship Site
Great Lakes Region of the American Music Therapy [...]
Mindful Movement for Music Therapists: Using Yoga in Sessions and Self-Care
Great Lakes Region of the American Music Therapy [...]
Creatively Cultivating Great Businesses in the Great Lakes
Great Lakes Region of the American Music Therapy [...]
Grounding Your Music Therapy Practice: Adaptive Yoga Principles for Self Care
American Music Therapy Association 2017 National Conference Concurrent [...]
Mindful Movement for Music Therapists: Using Yoga in Sessions and Self Care
American Music Therapy Association 2017 National Conference CMTE [...]
Joy in the Journey: Using Music to Grow Through Loss
South Suburban Grief Support Coalition Growing Through Loss [...]
Mindful Moments & Movement: Using Yoga for Your Self-Care
Uncut Creative Retreat CMTE September 2, 2017 [...]
Incorporating Mindfulness in Music Therapy
2017 GLR Music Therapy Conference 5 Hour Continuing [...]
{ARCHIVES} 2016 Presentations
CMTE Thursday, November 10, 2016 ~ 1:30-4:30pm [...]
{ARCHIVES} 2015 Presentations
October 19, 2015 Bridge (Pose) Over [...]
Music Therapy in Support Groups
Jennifer presented the attached information on the use of [...]